Select Papers

The following is a select list of  papers published in peer reviewed journals and edited books.

Many of the publications mentioned on this page are available for download on and Research Gate.


Environmental History and Theory

  • ‘Hermínio Martins and the Technocene: A Biographical Introduction.’ in The Technoscene: Reflections on Bodies, Minds, and Markets. Anthem Press. In Press.
  • ‘Clarence Glacken: Pioneer Environmental Historian.’ Environment and History, 2018.
  • ‘Introduction: The Lost Works of Clarence Glacken.’ in Genealogies of Environmentalism: The Lost Works of Clarence Glacken. Edited by Ravi Rajan (with Michael Watts and Adam Romero). University of Virginia Press.
  • ‘The Environmental Legacy of European Expansion and Colonialism: Three Controversies.’ Global Environment, Volume 10, Number 2, October 2017, pp. 482-508.
  • ‘The Environment, the Economy, and Geopolitics: laying the BRICS for a New World History.’ in S. Ravi Rajan and Lise Sedrez. (eds.), Environmental Histories of BRICS, Oxford University Press. 2017.
  • ‘The State and the Environment in India.’ in S. Ravi Rajan and Lise Sedrez. (eds.), Environmental Histories of BRICS. Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • ‘The Historiography of Environmental History in India’ (with Rohan d’Souza). in S. Ravi Rajan and Lise Sedrez. (eds.), Environmental Histories of BRICS. Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • ‘The Great Convergence and Historiography.’ in The Great Convergence: Environmental Histories of BRICS. Co-edited with Lise Sedrez. Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • Introduction: ‘Clarence Glacken and Historical Geography.’ in Ravi Rajan, Michael Watts and Adam Romero. (eds.). Genealogies of Environmentalism: The Lost Works of Clarence Glacken., University of Virginia Press, 2017.
  • ‘The Critical Relevance of Environmental History.’ Roundtable. Journal for Ecological History. 1 (2015/16).
  • ‘The Environment in South Asia.’ in Rachel Dwyer, Gita Dharampal-Frick, Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach and Jahnavi Phalkey  (eds.). Key Concepts in Modern Indian Studies. Oxford University Press (Delhi) in the series ‘SOAS Studies on South Asia,’


    • ‘The Colonial Ecodrama: Resonant themes in the environmental history of South Africa and South Asia.’ in S. Dovers, R. Edgecombe and W. Guest. South Africa’s Environmental History: Cases and Comparisons. University of Ohio Press. pp. 259–267, 2003.



  • ‘Foresters and the Politics of Colonial Agroecology: the Case of Shifting Cultivation and Soil Erosion, 1920-1950.’ Studies in History (Special issue on Forests, Fields and Pastures). Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 217-236, 1998.
  • ‘Imperial Environmentalism or Environmental Imperialism?: European Forestry, Colonial Foresters, and the Agendas of Forest Management in British India 1800–1900.’ in R. Grove, V. Damodaran and S. Sangwan (eds.). Nature and the Orient. Oxford University Press, pp. 324-372, 1997.



  • ‘The Ends of Environmental History, Some Questions.’ Environment and History Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 245 – 252, 1993, 1997.


  • The South Asian History section of Lenman Bruce (ed). Chambers Dictionary of World History, 1993.




Policy Relevant Social Science

Environmental Justice and Human Rights

  • S. Ravi Rajan, Kirsten Davies, Catherine Iorns Magallanes, “Identifying Human Rights and the Environment,” in James R. May & Erin Daly, Eds., Encyclopedia of Human Rights and the Environment, Edward Elgar Press, 2018.
  • Kirsten Davies, Sam Adelman, Anna Grear, Catherine Iorns Magallanes, Tom Kerns, and S. Ravi Rajan. ‘The Declaration on Human Rights and Climate Change’: A New Legal Tool for Global Policy Change. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment. 8.2. March 2018. (Mar 2018), Forthcoming.
  • ‘Classical Environmentalism vs. Environmental Human Rights.’ Journal of Human Rights and the Environment. Volume 2, No. 1. March 2011, pp. 106–121. 2007.

‘Guest Editorial: Environmental Justice in India.’ Environmental Justice. Volume 7, Number 5, 2014, pp. 115-116.

‘A History of Environmental Justice in India.’ Environmental Justice. Volume 7, Number 5, 2014, pp. 117-121.


Krista Harper and Ravi Rajan. ‘International Environmental Justice: Building the Natural Assets of the World’s Poor.’ in James Boyce, Sunita Narain and Elizabeth Stanton (eds.). Reclaiming Nature: Environmental Justice and Ecological Restoration. Anthem Press (Anthem Studies in Development and Globalization). pp. 327 – 350. 2007.‘


Political Ecology, Science Policy, and Development Studies

  • ‘Environment and Development in India’ in Delia Davin and Barbara Harriss-White. (eds.)., China-India: Paths of Economic and Social Development. Proceedings of the British Academy 193. Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 2013. pp. 190 – 212.


  • S. Ravi Rajan and Colin Duncan. ‘Ecologies of Hope: environment, technology and habitation – case studies from the intervenient middle.’ in S. Ravi Rajan and Colin Duncan. (eds.), Ecologies of Hope: Studies in Resilient Socio-Environmental Institutions. In Journal of Political Ecology. Special Section. Volume 20, Nos. 5-10, pp. 70-79. 2012.
  • Science, State and Violence: An Indian Critique Reconsidered.’ Science as Culture. Vol. 14, No. 3, 1–17, September 2005.
  • Maxwell Boykoff and Ravi Rajan. ‘Signals and Noise: Mass-media coverage of Climate Change in the USA and the UK.’ European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Reports. Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 207 – 211. 2007.

Environmental Risks and Disasters

  • Nuclear Energy and Responsible Governance: toward a regime of disaster preparedness. The Hindu Survey of the Environment, 2011.
  • Ravi Rajan and Deborah Letourneau. ‘What Risk Assessments of Genetically Modified Organisms Can Learn from Institutional Analyses of Public Health Risks.’ Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. Volume 2012, Article ID 203093.  2011.
  • ‘Disaster, Development and Governance: Reflections on the “lessons” from Bhopal.’ Environmental Values 11. pp. 369 – 94. Reprinted in Mahesh Rangarajan and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds,), India’s Environmental History. Vol. 2. Permanent Black, New Delhi, 2011.


  • ‘Missing Expertise, Categorical Politics and Chronic Disasters – the Case of Bhopal.’ in Susanna Hoffman and Anthony Oliver-Smith. (eds.). Catastrophe and Culture: The Anthropology of Disaster. School of American Research (SAR) Press. Santa Fe and James Currey, Oxford. pp. 237 – 260, 2002.

  • ‘What Disasters tell us about Environmental Violence: The Case of Bhopal.’ in M. Watts and N. Peluso (eds.). Violent Environments, NY. Cornell University Press. pp. 380-398,  1999.




  • ‘Bhopal: Vulnerability, Routinization, and the Chronic disaster.’ in A. Oliver-Smith and S. Hoffman (eds.). The Angry Earth: Disaster in Anthropological Perspective, NY, Routledge, pp. 257-277, 1998.




Olga T. Griswold Chair and Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz